Henry Miller - Paintings

Henry Miller Museum of Art

Description: One of the best on-line galleries, with a chronological ordered index. No thumbnails, but well sized pictures in nice surroundings.
Author: Henry Miller Museum of Art
Date of Access: 2000 05 15
URL: http://www.henry-miller.co.jp/


The Henry Miller Library - Gallery

Description: A few pictures for sale.
Author: The Henry Miller Library
Date of Access: 2000 05 12
URL: http://www.henrymiller.org/Gallery/Original/original.html


Henry Miller - An American Icon - Author and Artist

Description: A very good gallery with 25 paintings by Henry Miller, even though there are no thumbnails. Contains a short biography.
Author: The Coast Galleries & Publishing / Big Sur Gallery
Date of Access: 2000 05 15
URL: http://www.maui.net/~coast/Henry_Miller.HTML

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