Henry Miller - Miscellaneous

Patchen: Man of Anger & Light

Description: Henry Miller on Kenneth Patchen's A Letter to God (also included).
Author: Henry Miller / Kenneth Patchen
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/g188/hreh0001/pal.html


A snippet of the story "Jabberwhorl Cronstadt"

Description: Excerpt from Black Spring
Author: Henry Miller / online by Petr Sulovský
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.sci.muni.cz/~sulovsky/black.html


The Henry Miller Library

Description: The only fully scaled site with a lot of information.
Author: The Henry Miller Library
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.henrymiller.org/


Pacific Book Auction Galleries - 1

Description: Auction held at June 26th, 1997. A lot of interesting Henry Miller objects, even though they are not for sale anymore.
Author: Pacific Book Auction Galleries
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.pacificbook.com/catalogs/curcat137-1.html

Pacific Book Auction Galleries - 2

Description: Auction held at January 15th, 1998. A lot of interesting Henry Miller objects, even though they are not for sale anymore.
Author: Pacific Book Auction Galleries
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.pacificbook.com/catalogs/curcat151-1.html

Pacific Book Auction Galleries - 3

Description: Auction held at May 14th, 1998. A lot of interesting Henry Miller objects, even though they are not for sale anymore.
Author: Pacific Book Auction Galleries
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.pacificbook.com/catalogs/curcat160-3.html


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