Henry Miller - Bibliographies
Description: Bibliography with A-items (Miller's books), B-items
(works on Miller) and C-items (periodical articles by Miller). Excellent
and thorough.
Author: The Henry Miller Library
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.henrymiller.org/biblio/
Description: Chapter 10: Late Twentieth Century - Henry Miller (1891-1980)
- List of primary (Miller's books) and secondary (on Miller) works.
Author: Paul P. Reuben
Date of Access: 2000 05 13
URL: http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap10/miller.html
Description: Commercial bibliography (with Amazon.com)
Author: The iMote Bookskellar / Scenewash 20003
Date of Access: 2000 05 13
URL: http://scenewash.org/contraband/miller.html
Description: Commercial bibliography (Roger Jackson) with items
for sale.
Author: Roger Jackson, Publisher
Date of Access: 2000 05 14
URL: http://www.henrymiller.org/biblio/Roger_Jackson/roger_jackson.html
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